Monday, July 8, 2013

Day three

     Day three of my juice cleanse has been a lot easier. The first day is always horrible, second always has cravings, and most of the time the third is met with a breakdown and lots of food. Over the last three days I have had a few handfuls of popcorn unsalted with oil and chili powder, watermelon, peas, grapes. Cheating and all I feel good about it. I have no idea how long I will take this, but I feel strong and plan on continuing forward.
     Strangely enough I woke up heavier today than I started. It was a little discouraging to say the least. I don't think I will be checking the scale for a few days to insure my enthusiasm doesn't dip.
I am back up to my top weight bracket 132. It is hard to see that number again. I promised myself I would never get up this high again. Here I am 132 and not fitting into any of my jeans.
    Today I had Lemon chili pepper tea for breakfast followed by green juice.
I had more green juice for lunch with a couple grapes and pea's and green juice for dinner.

I am now drinking more tea.