Monday, December 31, 2012

Dear 2012

You have been both the best year and the worst. I have had big up and downs over the last twelve months. It is amazing how quickly your life can change in just a few short months.

This time last year we were getting ready for Sean's best friend Scot to move in with us. It was a scary uncertain time for me. We didn't really know what condition Scot was going to be in while he was here. At the time he was still in ICU and not speaking at all. Within a few weeks he was talking and walking, but his memory was still iffy.  January was hard and rewarding at the same time. I had changed my life to stay home and take care of Scot and the kids.

January and February were filled with struggles of a new and growing family. Sean and I were married in February and it was one of the best days of my life even with the weight of our lives before us. Lot of unknown were still hanging out there.  We were able to sneak away for two days and go snowboard, but came home quickly to our obligations.

March came and I had a radical hysterectomy. It was scary and relieved so much pain that I had been experiencing for months. It was followed by a breast reconstruction.

April and May were recovery time for Scot and I both. Sean and I struggled to stay positive through these months of trails. Money was tight and our emotions were raw.

June Scot returned to his life in Salt Lake with very little help from us. He did very well and relieved a lot of stress from our lives. It was both a positive and negative experience. It is hard to go through something like this with out a lot of growing pains. There was a lot of joy too. We were able to help him recover a life after almost losing his six month prior.

We also took a honeymoon a few weeks later and had an incredible time. The summer seemed to fly by with parties, swimming, rafting, and a lot of kids. It was great.

September came with a lot of changes. Eli started middle school at a new school. It is amazing how fast it all happens. Dakota is 8 and in second and started gymnastics at the same time. Corbynn entered her first year of all day school. They aren't our babies anymore. They have all entered child age.

October flu by couldn't tell you even tell you what happen there.

November was all about trips to see the family and coping with new schedules Seans work and how busy mine was getting. (oh yeah I took a job in the summer? See how well my memory works.)

December didn't even feel like it started and it is over. Work has been almost as crazy as my weight. Again entering 2013 we are back to working on our lives again.


  1. Lets keep our fingers crossed that 2013 will only bring good things to all of us.
    Happy New Year. Maggie x

    Nuts in May

  2. thank you for sharing your journey, lots of ups and downs, here's to a happy, healthy, hilarious 2013!

    sending good wishes to you and your family~

  3. Coey!
    You won our flourish retreat giveaway!
    BUT i need you to email me so we can get all the details squared away!

