Friday, January 3, 2014

Our Vacay is closing in quick

Sean has been off work since Dec, 16th which has been nice. It has been great to have that time together! I love that we can spend days together without killing each other (at least until the last few days). Sean is heading out of town on Sunday and it will be the first time we have been apart in our whole relationship. Crazy right? I honestly can't believe it. For two people that our SO independent we sure have done well together for this long. I am a little nervous/excited to see how I feel alone in the house.
    I am trying to figure out what big change I can make in the house while he is away. That will wow him when he comes home. Any ideas? I am considering re-arranging our bedroom and buying a new bed spread or something. Who knows what will come too with my mother in town and a little bit of fun.
    Work is starting to get crazy and by that I mean my planning. I am detrimed to kick ass in 2014. I am going to make this year successful. I know that not everything is going to go well but what doesn't I will learn from and take notes and make changes.
    This year is about me: My work, my spiritual choices, my body. If I focus on these I will have much more positive energy for my family. This year has been a little negative and I won't be allowing myself to take that into 2014. Nope that attitude is in the garbage and it is trashed.

1 comment:

  1. i feel like whatever change you DO make will go unnoticed.. because, uhh, men dont notice change? hahahahaha

    but seriously- rearrange some furniture and go to ross and get a new bedspread! then be naked and awaiting him on said bed spread (;
