Thursday, April 28, 2011

Time for some sun.

I need some sun rays! I can not even begin to explain the colour of my skin currently; Almost translucent? It could be seen through under careful investigation. I would normally pop under then nearest tanning bed but, with the radiation roaring through my bod pod that isn't a option. I need a wonderful self tanner that won't leave me twelve shades of ORANGE because I am unwilling to look like the undead all summer. Not to mention all the girls just look better with sun under their skin.
    Any suggestions? Spray tan? Rub on? Come on I need some colour badly.


  1. After losing a SIL to melanoma.... I would NEVER go under a tanning bed.
    I think something out of a bottle would be best... put on thinly and being careful to match your natural colouring.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  2. My daughter gets those spray-on ones you get at a tanning salon. You stand in something a bit like a shower stall and mist comes out and sprays all over you! I think it's a bit better, more even coverage than rubbing that stuff on by hand (which yields yellow hands, too!)

    I introduced myself in another comments section, but I am Jessica and I came across your blog accidentally. I think you are a very gifted writer, and I hope you don't mind if I follow along

  3. VQ I don't mind at all you following at all I am grateful that you think I am a gifted writer. Thanks for following and your comments!
