Monday, February 7, 2011


Unable to truly capture the feeling this is what is left. 

      I stare out the double sliding glass door looking for changes in the weather even though only moments have past since my last long look. I wonder if it is as frigid as it seems outside. Getting up to open a door does not feel like a thing I want to do. 
      I feel my heart pumping within my head... I have heard very strange things in there lately. My head is filled with more thoughts and idea's than I remember having before. The room shifts from here to a tilt where I ponder if my lamp will fall..No just me. I wonder who this is in here? I wonder if this radiation has a name once it is deep inside me. 
     For now, I shall sit among my things for today is not a day for adventure. Today is a day for dreams. I dream a lot after radiation of ideas I have never had. I frighten, delight en, and change direction. I wake up unsure if I was in rem or if I really flipped of that troll that happened to be parked in his red bug on my spot on the couch. I have to wonder... What has taken over?


  1. This is a terrifying time for you but I am grateful that you are writing it down. People have to understand what others go through.
    Hoping things will be better soon.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May

  2. ohhhh. Oh, you. Write it down. It's part of your story. We all hit places where we wonder what has taken over. My heart goes out to you there.
