Wednesday, February 23, 2011

         Dakota got a award at school for a math-o-thon! I am so excited for her! This is such a HUGE self esteem boost for her. She came home with her award and smiled from ear to ear! She got a 97 on her math exam! It makes me happy that she is working so hard was she has been so discouraged. I am not ready for her to grow up... Nope not ready.

       Went in and got my blood count tested again; it was the low. Fuck, I am tired of it being low. Can't they just reproduce with power? Come on grow damit grow! Well, what do you do? Nothing just Keep moving... Yes, I can quote Nemo too! I want to be able to work out for two days straight with out feeling as if I was hit by a train. I am sure I will soon enough though another blood cell upper and hopefully I will be on my way again.

           Sean and I ran around most of the weekend. Sean took off Friday so we went snowboarding with our awesome friend Celeste. Who I might add is a complete rockstar! She is amazing; I just adore her energy. She makes me smile all the way down to my insides. Can you tell I like her? We had a epic day with snow falling and a little bit of Pow to make it all worth while. I have to admit I tired out pretty quick but, not with out enjoying my day. Celeste and Sean went out and found some great snow after I had tuckered out too. I was so happy to see Sean beaming when he came back in.

           Friday night we went bowling with a group on wonderful people. Emily and her hubby Tim, Celeste and her man Jesse and Sean and I. I used to be on s bowling league when I was little. I thought I was a bad ass for years. These days I know how to throw some sweet gutter balls! I had a blast though; this group of friends is supportive, loving, and out to have a good time all the time. I love that they are always trying to have a adventure. Emily is always smiling insisting you to do more, experience more or just be happy where ever you are. I ADORE these people. You should too.

1 comment:

  1. Dakota is a lovely child.
    Sorry about the blood count being low. Eat plenty of things containing zinc.
    Glad you are enjoying some good friends and activities though.
    Maggie X

    Nuts in May
